Hello Everyone,
Well, our Orlando reunion, held at Disney World Nov 30 - Dec 3 was, according to those who attended, a successful and fun affair. We had a group of 25 congenial and happy ASAers and spouses. Highlight of the weekend was a meal at the Biergarten in Epcot. We were delivered to the "backstage" entrance by bus and spent a couple of hours feeling like we were back in Deutschland. Good band. Good food. Good beer. Good companions. (It would have been perfect if a fight had broken out somewhere in the bierhalle, but that didn't happen.) Most of us spent far more time in the hospitality suite than in the Disney attractions where we consumed mass quantities and shared lots of memories. Joe Tovarek summed it up when he said none of us remember it all but we all remember something different. Together, I think we do have a pretty good collective memory of our time in Europe. Joe has been asked to put down on paper a short history of out time in Frankfurt and e-mail it out to the rest of us for our additions and corrections. How about it, Joe? |
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